Take the Plunge! Be a Delegate!

Becoming a delegate to the county, state or national assemblies (convention) is both rewarding and educational. By participating as a delegate you will have the opportunity to view the party process step by step and represent your community in the nomination and resolution processes. The only way to get it wrong is to not show up - so hop on board and join the fun! You do not need to be pledged to particular candidates to be a delegate - it's actually better if you are not... because the best delegates are the ones who truly carry the vote of their community. 

Delegate Allotments

There are 16 delegate slots available per precinct - 8 delegates and 8 alternates each - for a total of 96 available delegates to the County Assembly held at the Courthouse on Eureka in City of Central. You do not need to commit to the full process - many become delegates only to attend the county and state assemblies. The most important thing for a delegate to do is show up! It's that easy! From the County Assembly, a total of 8 delegates, 6 plus two alternates, will be chosen to go on to the State Assembly in May.