Knowing Your Political Neighborhood

The smallest unit of organization in government in Colorado is the Precinct. Precincts are voting blocs of about 1,000 voters and may change from time to time according to census data. The next level of organization is the County, which is divided into Commissioner Districts. For the most part, Precinct Level voting only occurs during primary races for political parties.
Scroll to the bottom to find your precinct and commissioner districts!

The next levels of organization are Judicial Districts, State Senate and House Districts, then Congressional Districts. This link will take you to a mapping system which will show exactly what districts you're in:
Interactive District Map
This map will tell you what districts you are in and who your representatives are (note that Joan Fitz-Gerald resigned her State Senate seat to run for Congressional #2 and her seat is currently held by appointee Dan Gibbs.)

Gilpin Republicans have party representation right down to the precinct level - this is the bottom level of organization for party activities. Your elected Precinct Captains are listed below.
All Precinct Chair - Gary Huffman
Precinct 1 -
Precinct 2 -
Precinct 3 - Gary Huffman
Precinct 4 - Chris Patrick and Jeff Bendrat
Precinct 5 - Chris Schuchmann
Precinct 6 - Connie Reukauf

Click on the Maps to go to the Clerk and Recorder and see what other county maps are available!