What is the caucus and how do I use it?
CO is a closed caucus state. This means that our parties nominate representatives from our local communities to carry our votes to the assemblies and conventions, and you must be a registered republican within 60 days of the caucus to participate. Those who did not register in time can still volunteer for the party or a candidate, but only those who were registered Republican by deadline will have a vote at the caucus.
At the caucus our local communities, divided by precinct (neighborhood) we'll elect party officers and choose delegates to represent us at the county and state assemblies as well as the national convention. The caucus is a great way to leverage your power in government and do it at the local level where it is most important. In addition to supporting candidates, caucus-goers also influence the direction of the party by proposing resolutions and changes in party platforms. Participating in the caucus is the best way to ensure your representation by not only the candidates but also by the party itself. In our Republican form of government, the direction of the nation is determined solely by who shows up - participate and make your voice heard!
What you need to do to participate
First, make sure you are registered at your current address. Visit the county clerk at the Old Courthouse on Eureka in Central City. Jessica will check to make sure you are registered at your current address and eligible to participate. THOSE WHO WERE PREVIOUSLY AFFILIATED AS REPUBLICANS HAVE UNTIL JANUARY 5TH TO REGISTER AT YOUR CURRENT ADDRESS.
Next, get your precinct number. The county clerk can provide this for you, or you can look it up at the Secretary of State's website here: Voter Information
Contact the Republican party with your precinct number and contact information. We will provide you with the name and number of your precinct committee person, and we will let them know you would like to be involved.
Next, get to the caucus and make your voice heard!
Other ways to participate
You can have an even greater voice by representing your community either by becoming a delegate to the assembly/convention or by running as a candidate for local office. Those who are new to the process can learn a lot by volunteering to help run the caucuses. If you are interested in either running for office or being a delegate, or would like to learn more through volunteering, let us know and we'll get you the information and support you need.